Exactly one year ago today, I drove into the gates at Villa Catignano to meet Kelly & Gavin for the first time. Their 3-day destination wedding in Italy was beginning that evening with the most beautiful welcome picnic, quite literally “under the Tuscan sun”. What came next was one of the most amazing & memorable weddings of my career. Everything I experienced in those few days at the Villa seemed magical – but the best of all was getting to know Kelly & Gavin and documenting their love.
I am overjoyed that it is with this amazing couple that I bring you this special feature in Destination I Do magazine! Kelly & Gavin did such a tremendous job crafting every aspect of their destination wedding in Italy, and they’re receiving the attention they deserve in multiple pages of this seasons edition. Additionally, I couldn’t be happier to have my first international magazine cover with this beautiful duo! I love how serendipitous it is that exactly one year after their wedding day, this beautiful magazine hits shelves. Happy anniversary to this sweet couple and cheers to this feature! I’ll be celebrating marking “international magazine cover” off my own bucket list tonight with a bottle of Amarone!
Pick up a copy of Destination I Do on newstands now – and check out the pages below:
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